{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "hv_i213_gl1", "guid": "C09CEA4D-E42F-4905-84C8-CE4DA0F2C6F5", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Extent to which countries have laws and regulations that guarantee full and equal access to women and men aged 15 years and older to sexual and reproductive health care, information and education: Component 4: Post-Abortion Care, World, Trend Data", "description": "

Short Name<\/strong><\/u>
\nLaws and regulations that guarantee access to sexual and reproductive health care, information and education: Component 4: Post-Abortion Care

Full Name<\/strong><\/u>
\nExtent to which countries have laws and regulations that guarantee full and equal access to women and men aged 15 years and older to sexual and reproductive health care, information and education: Component 4: Post-Abortion Care

\nGender equality

\nBodily autonomy

\nSDG Target 5.6

\nExtent to which countries have laws and regulations that guarantee full and equal access to women and men aged 15 years and older to sexual and reproductive health care, information and education: Component 4: Post-Abortion Care (%).

Method of Calculation<\/strong><\/u>
\nThe indicator is a percentage (%) scale of 0 to 100 (national laws and regulations exist to guarantee full and equal access), indicating a country\u2019s status and progress in the existence of such national laws and regulations. Indicator 5.6.2 measures only the existence of laws and regulations; it does not measure their implementation. \n
The indicator measures specific legal enablers and barriers for post-abortion care, with 0% being the lowest value and 100% being the most optimal value.

Expected Frequency of Data Dissemination<\/strong><\/u>

Geospatial Dimension Availability<\/strong><\/u>
\nCountry (geolev0), Landlocked developing countries (LLDCs), Least Developed Countries (LDCs), SDG Regions, SDG Sub-Regions, Small island developing States (SIDS), World

Time Dimension Availability<\/strong><\/u>
\n2019, 2022

Disaggregation Dimension Availability<\/strong><\/u>
\nTotals only<\/em>

\nSDG Indicator 5.6.2 metadata: Link<\/a>
<\/p>", "summary": "Extent to which countries have laws and regulations that guarantee full and equal access to women and men aged 15 years and older to sexual and reproductive health care, information and education: Component 4: Post-Abortion Care, World, Trend Data", "title": "hv_i213_gl1", "tags": [ "SDG Target 5.6" ], "type": "Map Service", "typeKeywords": [ "ArcGIS", "ArcGIS Server", "Data", "Map Service", "Service" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "url": "", "extent": [ [ -180, -90 ], [ 180, 90 ] ], "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 1.7976931348623157E308, "spatialReference": "GCS_WGS_1984", "accessInformation": "", "licenseInfo": "", "portalUrl": "" }